Even though I recently acquired the new 5D mark III digital camera, I’ve been having a purist black and white film movement going on lately with my personal work, and I thought it was appropriate to photograph one of today’s most influential image makers in stark, grainy black and white film. This image was self scanned on my Nikon 9000 ED scanner with Kodak T-Max P3200 35mm film. I’m planning on going to a lab to make an optical print directly off the negative.
The event put on by APA-LA, Creative Problem Solving, had Mr. Streiber giving an intimate behind-the-scenes look at how he and his crew accomplished logistically complicated advertising and editorial work. I’ve been a member of APA (American Photographic Artists) for the past two years. It is a fantastic organization for photographers, both seasoned and new, to network and continue learning the craft and business of photography.